Friday, April 30, 2010

Polaroid Thursday: Polaroid Friday Edition











Moments in my life. These apps are so good for me. I only allow myself one photo so the constant shoot and reframe crutch that digital has instilled in me cannot come to bear. That does mean that the photos may not be up to what I consider my standard but they do have a sense of moment (to me at least) that my digital photos do not. I hope to soon be able to get my photos taken with one shot as good as my digital ones. Either way I love the process! :D

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Get This Man a Scotch

Too Funny

See this guy? Lets call him Davenport. Davenport works in the Financial district, lives a stressful life, and he acts like a douche because he's generally not happy with the sleep he gets in his money pit. So Davenport came to the Green Living Show to go to the wine tasting and pretend he can pick out subtle undertones of oak. While there, he and his surly Bay Street buddy discover these memory foam mattresses and, in a rare display of genuine emotion, Davenport jumps back onto the bed and lies there in near-coital levels of pleasure. His surly buddy looks on in disapproval.

View his 'O' face by clicking here to get the large version.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Catman 2

I met a cat-man today.

He sprung out of an alley and, through rolling around on the ground, attempted to persuade some cats to sit for him. When he was happy with their posing he sat up, content. Then, just as suddenly, he demanded that they leave.

See the set here

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Polaroid Thursday: Get your hands out of your pants edition




Dana Pop

Gas up





These may be iphone apps but I treat it as film. One shot and that's it. It slows me down just enough to make me see.

Sphere in Place

Sphere 6


Sphere 5


Sphere 4


Sphere 3


Sphere 2




Sphere in Place

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Brotherly Love, Drugs, and Small Firearms

Shot 2
Shot 3

I went down to Dundas Square today to cover the Marijuana Rally. At one point the crowd suddenly dissipated like a blast wave. In the epicenter: this guy. He tried to shoot someone and got laid out pretty hard.

Also of note is how much of a fucking douche some of the other photographers were. One guy pretty much attacked me to get in front. At least I was trying to be more artistic about it and less exploitive (is that possible? I doubt it).

For pictures of the actual rally just See the set here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

One More Dark Night

Sleep Tight

One more time into the night. One more slouchy and reclusive evening with the desk lamp. One more tired and dry-skinned foray into early morning light. A couple of sojourns to my coffee pot and 3 more exams. I can smell summer out my window... it's fraught with distraction.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Caffeine Dreams

Leaf in Night Sky
Leaf in Night Sky II

best viewed large 1 2

Brittle, tired, wired. Over-caffeinated.

I think my brain is on fire. Or just my eyes.

Retaining nothing.

Kick-ass was phenomenal. Fuck Roger Ebert.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Artist over Art

Graf 9

In a concerted attempt to avoid studying, I set out the other day to find some photos for The Untold City. I almost immediately came across these guys putting up a piece on the side of a store. The art, in and of itself, was fantastic but what was more interesting to me was the art inherent in their movements, bearing, and almost mechanical translation of their vision.

Give them swords and throw them into feudal japan and they would be lopping off heads with gory accuracy. Yes.

See the set here.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Destination: Summer Hjinx


I walked out of my apartment today and my olfactory bulb was immediately inundated with the smell of summer. Then, shortly after, the smell of putrescent garbage juice but that's forgivable.

Seriously though, that period of time in spring when the anticipation of summer comes on full bore is easily the best time of the year. The sticky heat of summer hasn't set in yet and the jackets are all freshly shed. So good.

Urban exploration is the name of the game this time! I cannot wait.